In this game, players add or subtract the numbers shown on four dice to make an available number on the game board.
Click on ‘new board’ to generate a new game board. Use this link to enable full screen.
Goal: Create the highest value territory by joining squares side to side.
Set Up: Players choose one colour each – green, blue or orange. Roll to choose a first player.
To Play: To play, roll four dice. Add or subtract the numbers on three or four dice to make a number shown on the board. If a number is made, the player may click on the square to their colour, or may pass. If they cannot make an available number, they pass.
End of Game: The game ends when both players pass on one round.
Scoring Method 1: All squares that are joined by a side to the same territory gain points as follows: 10 points for each square numbered 1 – 10; 11 for 11, 12 for 12 etc up to 18 points for the 18 square. For each square that has been coloured but is not part of the players main territory, deduct its value.
Scoring Method 2: All squares that are joined by a side to the territory gain the points shown on the square. For each square that has been coloured but is not part of the main territory, deduct its value.
Alternative: For adult/kid combo, parent rolls 3 dice and must add/subtract all three to make a number on the grid.
Print version: four dice game