Tried, tested, free resources for learning the basics of algebra.
Five Interactive Algebra Learning Resources
1. Solve me Mobiles: Students use the concepts of weight and equality to mathematize the values of each symbol.
Hands On Activity!
2. Equations on Transum Math. Here are several levelled interactive worksheets on solving simple equations using different letters for unknowns:
3. Equations Practice on GeoGebra. One question at a time practice solving equations that include parenthesis and fractions.
4. Equations Quiz on GeoGebra. Set this quiz to your class for formative or summative assessment on solving equations. I recommend that you click the ‘assign’ feature to receive individual responses from each student.
5. Story on the Mathigon Timeline. The story of ‘Al-Jabr’ is part of the complex, intercultural, multilayered story of how we got to where we are now.
Three Video Learning Resources
1. Math Antics Scroll to: Basics Of Algebra Part 1. A series of excellent videos on understanding algebraic writing and processes.
2. Shape patterns to formula (project)
3. Story of Algebra from Salman Khan on Khan Academy
Five Printable Learning Resources
Each worksheet in this set has several starting points – as low floor/high ceiling as a printed resource can get. Conveniently, solutions are available through a QR code at the end of each worksheet. Use to create a single handout.
1. Corbett Maths Basic Equations
2. Corbett Math Letters on Both Sides
3. Corbett Math Equations with Fractions
4. Corbett Math Equations with Shapes and Angles
5. Tentotwelvemath Algebra Grade 10 Review
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